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Paras, bérets bleus, verts et rouges, tous unis !

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 Sergent Major of the US Army .

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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitimeDim Sep 09 2007, 20:55

Sergent Major of the US Army . Pau_1710

Sergent Major.George w. Dunaway inspected US Paratroopers in april 1970 just before they came back to Vietnam .
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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitimeDim Sep 09 2007, 21:00

sacré placard sur la poitrine
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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitimeDim Sep 09 2007, 21:40

super ton sergent-major, tu aurais pu essayer de traduire!!!
sergent-major n'est-ce pas un grade d'officier dans l'armée US?
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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitimeDim Sep 09 2007, 23:37

Merci BENJAMIN , et bon retour parmis nous !!!!!! Very Happy
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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitimeSam Avr 19 2008, 05:49

Benjamin vient de déménager à Quimperlé le weekend dernier, il risque de revenir.... scratch
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Sergent Major of the US Army . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sergent Major of the US Army .   Sergent Major of the US Army . Icon_minitime

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Sergent Major of the US Army .
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